Resume Assistance from a Former Recruiter. Resume writing is focused on matching your skill set to the needs of the company. Before you even begin...
Free resume assistance. Reports include Before The First Keystroke and Little Kisses of Death. Plus, reviews of popular resume services.
Resume Assistance from a Former Recruiter. Nothing kills a resume's chances faster than including a photo. Here's more stuff to leave off.
Resume Assistance from a Former Recruiter. Little Kisses of Death, classic mistakes made in resume writing that keep phones from ringing.
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Resume Assistance from a Former Recruiter. Here a free, 3-minute report on how to pick the best resume format - chronological or functional.
Resume Assistance from a Former Recruiter. Here's a free, 3-minute report on how to write an effective Resume Objective.
Bio of website author, David Alan Carter. A former technical recruiter and pro resume writer, David advises readers in creating job winning resumes.
Resume Assistance from a Former Recruiter. Our guy explains why nobody wants to read your resume. Free, 3-minute report.
Resume Assistance from a Former Recruiter. For an effective job search, you will need two versions of your resume. Free report explains why.